The Best Food For Cycling

Want to know what the best food for cycling is? It’s not easy to buy food as a cyclist because there are several factors at play. Not only do you want something that tastes good, but it’s also important to think about the nutrients going into your body.

There is nothing worse than feeling lethargic during a cycling session because you didn’t eat well. With the help of these foods, you’re going to notice an immediate change in how you perform with a gravel bike.


This is the number one food for cyclists and deserves the top spot.

Cyclists need to eat a banana before they go out for a session. There are several benefits associated with the banana and it starts with the amount of potassium on offer. Potassium is good when it comes to giving the body a burst of energy before a long session. Otherwise, the body tends to feel lazy and that eats away into your session on the bike.

To make sure you are maximizing effort, it’s best to begin with bananas because they get the job done.


Eggs are a wonderful option as long as you are eating them a few hours before the session. Don’t eat them right before as they may be a tad heavy for your stomach and cause nausea.

Instead, this is good for a meal plan that is designed to be consumed in small portions throughout the day.

Scrambled eggs are the best way to have this food as it will ensure you maximize the nutrients on offer. Eggs are great because they are filled with protein and can improve your health as a whole.


Do you want something to eat during the session?

A lot of people think about what they eat before or after a session but what about during it? This is an important question and the answer is as simple as a handful of raisins.

Raisins are great because they are lightweight and are tasty at the same time. You can eat them easily and they are not going to get in the way of your session at all.

They are also low in calories and cheap to buy making them easy to consume without wasting money. If you want something “to go” then it’s time to look at the value of raisins.


Peanut Butter

What about your recovery phase when it comes to the best food for cycling?

There are several options available to cyclists and sometimes it’s as simple as finding a good source of protein. Peanut butter is one of those sources as it is filled with protein and tastes great at the same time. This makes it ideal for those tired of not eating the right foods and wanting something that is consistent over the long-term.

This can be paired with whole wheat bread to create a proper meal when it comes to controlling how much protein is consumed.


Almonds are wonderful because they are filled with healthy fats and it’s important to include them in your diet as a cyclist. Too many cyclists assume they don’t need fats in their diet and it’s best to run away from them. This could not be further away from the truth. The goal should be to include healthy fats such as the ones found in almonds.

Along with healthy fats, you also gain access to key nutrients since almonds offer protein and fiber.

It’s all about eating something lightweight and this gets the job done.


Spinach is one of the finest options available to cyclists when it comes to a well-rounded food.

When it’s time to talk about the best food for cycling, this has to be right at the top of the list. This is among the best for a simple reason. It has almost every type of nutrient packed into one powerful food.

This includes iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins C, E, K, B9, and B6.

The list is endless and that makes it a no-brainer for those spending long hours on a gravel bike. Why not add a bit of spinach to your salad for a well-rounded meal?


There are times when protein is a must as you want to recover after a long workout.

In this case, you are going to want something as simple as milk. There are different options available to you whether it’s oat milk, goat milk, cow milk, or other variations.

Don’t feel restricted as to what type of milk you’re consuming because the goal is to tap into the high-quality nutrients on offer. The amount of protein you are going to get from a cup of milk is impressive and it will be well worth your time.


Just like the banana, avocados are great when it comes to offering a good amount of potassium.

When you are putting in long hours with a gravel bike, it’s important to eat a potassium-rich diet. This is the only way to ensure the body remains in good shape as you go through grueling sessions on the bike. In general, avocados are great because they are lightweight, easy to add to your meals and work well in offering a needed boost to cyclists.

If you are looking for something that’s ideal for your meals then this is a great option to keep in mind.

It also does a great job of suppressing hunger making it easier to eat less and burn fat.

Final Thoughts

The best food for cycling is all about understanding your body’s needs and ensuring the metabolic system is in good shape. Over time, it’s okay to make adjustments to your diet plan and listen to what your body has to say. This is the only way to feel confident about what’s going into your stomach and how well the nutrients work for you.

I talked a lot about healthy eating but I also want to add that a very long and intense cycle can burns a massive amount of calories and it’s okay at times like this to treat yourself to some high sugar snack. After all, being able to have nice foods is one of the reasons that a lot of people get into cycling.

Cycling requires a good amount of effort and it’s essential to keep the body well-hydrated and well-fed at all times.